Friday, December 30, 2011

10 Things I love about my Family!

1.  Our Holiday traditions

2. Never a dull moment in Family Home Evening

3. They can always find something to tease me about!

4. My Mom can sew anything; my Dad can fix anything

5. Our awesome Badminton games in the summer!

6.  We are all way too competitive!

7.  Our political discussions

8.  "It came to pass" is not just a scripture phrase

9.  Laughing together
10.  Getting to spend Christmas Break with the people that LOVE me most!

Monday, December 26, 2011


Well Christmas has come and gone, it is amazing how much time, effort and build up takes place for just one day! Christmas was great! I had a great time with my family.
My grandpa loves his cats! Whenever we go to grandma's house we always tease grandpa about his cats Princess and Tiger.  Grandpa greats them like the grand-kids they get treats, lots of food, and his constant watch care.  His cats adore him, I mean who wouldn't they got stockings and a Christmas tree made just for them.

One of my favorite Holiday traditions is  making gingerbread houses.  We take the shortcut and use graham crackers instead of real ginger bread.
Kevin's house if you look closely you can see the words "in here" with an arrow pointing to the chimney.

My moms we entitled it "Hazel and Gretle house"

My dad won the award for most unique, he made the Washington monument! The candy corn on the side is suppose to be a man falling.  I am not sure what that is all about.

Adriann's Entitled "Candy Cane Mess." So many candy canes!

Mine is entitle "Home sweet home"

Chris's "Christmas Swamp."  Watch out for the lock-ness monster!

Natalie's "Marshmallow Madness"

SO much fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is here...bringing good young and old...meek and the bold...
I love Christmas so much and today was extra special because it was also a Sunday.  How appropriate to go to church to worship Christ on Christmas!

Like always Christmas was full of our rich traditions and wonderful times with my family!

Since Christmas was on a Sunday my mom decided that she would make all the girls matching christmas Dresses! They look so nice!

We all look so cute together! I love my family!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Its Beginning to Look A Lot like CHRISTMAS!

Christmas isn't complete without the Christmas trees. It makes me so excited to to put up Christmas trees, and gets me in the Christmas spirit!

 Its always a tradition in my family to put up the Christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving!
This one is my favorite! I love the White Christmas Tree!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

More Thanksgiving

So as always I have had another busy week, but just two more weeks and Christmas break will be here.  I made it back from Thanksgiving break, but of course being the forgetful person that I am, I left my computer cord at home.  So I have not had it all week, but luckily my home teacher came and just happened to have my computer cord!  I am so thankful, tender mercy of the Lord!

Now for some pictures!

Oh this one is from Rexburg a few weeks ago :

And now for some more Thanksgiving Pictures...

 My brother-in-law made this lovely turkey arrangement for our table-its part of his flower arranging class, I mean he doesn't just to it for fun.
 Natalie and I on THANKSGIVING

Well my brother started to tackle me, but turns out he shouldn't mess with me because I got him back!
Then Natalie decided she would join in on the fun.
My mom and dad
All my aunts uncles and cousins!..